Sticktalk Submission


We embrace most materials with few exceptions, but there are some guidelines we would like you to follow. We request that all materials submitted for publication be original and exclusive, not having appeared in print in any media form for one full year prior to submission to STICKTALK. We apologize for any inconveniences, but it is a necessary precaution in this day and age of public media. We also request that materials be of a positive quality in content, and all are subject to editing so that this integrity is not compromised. Don’t worry that you are not a professional writer. Our editors will work with your submissions, and if there is a problem we will communicate with you to make sure your article is the best it can be before it is published.

If you are submitting pictures for publication please remember that the hard copy of STICKTALK is done in black and white. We very much need to have a quality photo with higher resolution for it to print clearly. We also request that all “hero” pictures are taken is such a way as to show respect to the animals you are harvesting. No bloody chest cavities, animals in the backs of trucks or tongues hanging out of their mouths. If we follow these simple guidelines STICKTALK will be a driving force in the MLA experience for years to come.

We have a simple saying that we like to share when it comes to sending in material for STICKTALK. “Remember…we’ll make you famous.”

Send Us Your Story Today!

You can send us your story today! All you have to do is email our STICKTALK editors. If your story is selected for publication, we will contact you with the projected publication date.  Please send everything to with your name and the title of your story in the subject line.